- Imitation of natural textures of natural stone in the mountain range of colors; - Any size and shape; - Grottos, caves, volcanic craters, space asteroids, give free rein to Your fantasy; - Natural streams, waterfalls and lakes; - Absolute eco-friendliness and durability combined with ease-of-service; - External stone inlay and coats for all sorts of products (furniture, equipment, Bar places, exhibition stands, work areas with sound insulation, etc.); To the relief can be added to aquatic fauna and flora, lights, nature sounds and much more. We consider any form of cooperation.
תחומי התמחות: Landscape Design - the harmonious and presentable addition to the design of your home, office or any interior space

קרא עוד צמצם

פינסקר 77 פתח תקוה

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