אודות זקי לוי אדריכלים
Jack Levi Architects is a boutique office based in Tel-Aviv since 1982. Through these years the practice was responsible for designing and executing an array of projects, which vary in scale and character. From detailed design objects to private houses and from apartments and offices to large scale public projects such as schools and kindergardens. With the experience acquired through the years the practice have developed a unique working method which serves for addressing complex architectural issues while meeting the requirements of all parties involved in the process.
תחומי התמחות: ז'קי, לוי, אדריכלים, תכנון, אדריכל, עיצוב
שלמה המלך 85 תל אביב
ביקורות על זקי לוי אדריכלים
בתי עסק נוספים בתחום
נותני שירות נוספים בתל אביב
אדריכלים בערים נוספות באזור:
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